Spikepit Games isn't a real company. I mean, it is, technically, because of taxes, but really it's just me, John. I don't even have one of those metal filing cabinets with a lock that pops out.
I work on small games in the evenings and on weekends, and most importantly on the bus, which is where I'm writing this right now. I really like the idea of small games that can be made entirely by one person, probably because that's what I grew up with. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time playing Commodore 64 games my brother pirated. I like that they have some rough edges, but they're also made with love. That's how hand-crafted things are.
The advent of all these tiny computers in our pockets has led to a brief renaissance of games made by really small teams. I think that's rad, and I want to contribute if I can.
I also make games at my day job, and that's great too, but this is a separate deal.